
教 員

NAKANISHI, Yoshihiro
Southeast Asia Politics, Comparative Politics
Environment, Society and Culture
名前 NAKANISHI, Yoshihiro
職位 Associate Professor
専門分野 Southeast Asia Politics, Comparative Politics
研究関心 My research focuses on civil-military relations and political regime in Southeast Asia, especially in Burma/Myanmar, from the perspective of comparative politics and security studies. The recent political and economic reform in the country has broadened my perspective to embrace following issues such as president-parliament relationship, political movement, and foreign policy-making. He is also interested in comparative study of violent conflict and peace-building in Southeast Asia.
担当授業科目 Conflict and Peace in Southeast Asia, Research Seminar on Environment, Society and Culture I-IV, Guided Research on Southeast Asian Area Studies I-III, Open Seminar on Asian Area Studies, Asian Area Studies On-site Seminar I-III
メール nakayosi@cseas.kyoto-u.ac.jp