写真:広河隆一. 参考資料:広河隆一監督作品 記録映画「パレスチナ1948・NAKBA」


NAKBA and HIBAKU: Dialogue between Palestine and Hiroshima

会場:広島市まちづくり市民交流プラザ 6階マルチメディアスタジオ
(広島市中区袋町六丁目36番 http://www.hitomachi.city.hiroshima.jp/m-plaza/
広島セッション チラシ表(PDF 1.9MB)  チラシ裏(PDF 1.28MB)





〒731-3194 広島市安佐南区大塚東三丁目4番1

広島市立大学 国際学部 宇野研究室
TEL&FAX: 082-830-1769





(広島セッション代表 宇野昌樹)


 Sixty years ago, Palestinians lost their homes and were scattered throughout the world as refugees of the tragedy known as the Nakba-the political and social upheaval following the 1948 Arab-Israeli War. It is on the sixtieth anniversary of this event that we hold this international symposium at Hiroshima. First, I would like to point out why we selected Hiroshima, site of the atomic bombing, as our location. As we know, it has been sixty-three years since the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The number of atomic survivors is diminishing, and those still alive are growing elderly. This is a significant problem. We now face the challenge of recording the experiences of atomic bomb survivors in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, as well as passing this knowledge on to future generations. The same can be said of the Nakba as well. Certainly, the Palestinian Nakba and the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki occurred at different times and places, and differ in terms of historical and political backgrounds. However, the two events share experiences of destruction and violence, as well as the challenge of keeping these memories alive in the generations to come. For this reason, it is our strong belief that in viewing the Nakba in the context of Hiroshima and Hiroshima in context of the Nakba, as well as addressing their various issues from a shared outlook, we may find new perspectives from which to view the two experiences.

 At the symposium, we have invited Rosemary Sayegh to be our keynote speaker representing the Palestinian side. A cultural anthropologist residing in Lebanon, she has long been involved in collecting oral testaments of Palestinian refugees, especially of women. She will be speaking on memories of the Nakba and related issues, including the problem of passing the knowledge on to future generations. Next, the forefront sociologist Naono Akiko of Kyushu University, author of a collection of artwork by atomic bomb survivors, will speak for Hiroshima, discussing what is meant by "memories of the bomb", and how we as listeners can best honor the truth when hearing these testaments.

   Lastly, the leading expert on modern philosophy, Ukai Satoshi of Hitotsubashi University, will discuss what Michel Khleifi's film Canticle of the Stones wished to relate to Palestine and Hiroshima, as well as how we may find the possibility of overcoming borders to build shared memories between cultures. Professor Ukai has himself been involved in addressing the question of Palestine for many years, and worked hard to invite Michel Khleifi, film director of works such as Wedding in Galilee and Fertile Memory, to Japan.

 Remembering the 60th anniversary of the Nakba in Hiroshima 63 years after the atomic bomb, it is a significant opportunity to regard our own world today where nuclear threat continues to grow, where cultures continue to clash and the necessity of building structures for coexistence and cohabitation are all the more urgent.

 Through this symposium, it is our sincere hope that the remembrance of Hiroshima and the Nakba may come together, and that we may discuss new possibilities to ensure that these memories are not forgotten.

Hiroshima Session Coordinator, Uno Masaki


Session 2  13:30-17:00
"NAKBA and HIBAKU: Dialogue between Palestine and Hiroshima"

  Chair: 柿木伸之(広島市立大学)
  13:00-13:45 趣旨説明・パレスチナ人研究者の紹介:宇野昌樹(広島市立大学)
  13:45-14:45 基調講演:ローズマリー・サーイグ →CV
 "Hiroshima, the Nakba: Markers of Rupture and New Hegemonies"
  14:45-15:00 休憩
  15:00-15:30 報告1:直野章子(九州大学)
 "Listening to the Murmur of Voices in the Hiroshima Memoryscape"
  15:30-16:00 報告2:鵜飼哲(一橋大学)
 "Pictures, Movies and Memories of the Nakba"
  16:00-17:00 全体討論



写真展 チラシ(PDF 6.9MB)
