South Asia and Indian Ocean Studies Seminar


2017年度 第1回KINDAS国際セミナー

2017年度 第1回KINDAS国際セミナー”Hinduism and Imperial Aesthetics: Making Hindu Temples into Art”


【日時】2017年4月6日(木) 16:00~18:00
【場所】京都大学 吉田キャンパス本部構内 総合研究2号館 会議室(AA447)


【題目】Hinduism and Imperial Aesthetics: Making Hindu Temples into Art
【発表者】Deborah Sutton (Senior Lecturer, Department of History, Lancaster University)



This talk is a tangent of a larger project on the ways in which the Hindu temple, as an idea, an architecture and as a devotional space emerged within and through colonial modernity. I examine the sensory and aesthetic discomfort felt by the British in and around Hindu temples during the nineteenth century. The temple became an imaginary resource through which the eroticism and exoticism of India was contained, expressed and encountered. The Hindu temple also provided a microcosm through which Hinduism could be explicated to a British public in the twentieth century through the work of art historian Stella Kramrisch. This talk will describe Kramrisch’s interpretation of the temple – as body of the divine – and the history of Hinduism which she constructed through the temple’s ‘ideal’ type.


Deborah Sutton is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of History at Lancaster University. She is currently working on a monograph that considers the means by which the Hindu temple was created in the colonial imagination during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries through art history, archaeology, governance and anti-imperial resistance. ‘Devotion, Antiquity and Colonial Custody of the Hindu Temple in British India’ published in Modern Asian Studies in 2013 examined the collision of religion and conservation in Hindu temples in Eastern India in the early twentieth century. Her first book, on the history of settler-indigene encounters in South India in the nineteenth century, Other Landscapes: Colonialism and the Predicament of Authority in Nineteenth-Century South India, was published by Orient Blackswan in 2011.



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