第64回南アジア・インド洋世界研究会「The Challenge of Environmental Governance: A Comparative Exploration of Development in the US and China, and the Value of an Added India Comparison」を開催します(2017/12/15)

 【日時】2017年12月15日(金) 16:30~18:00
【場所】京都大学吉田キャンパス本部構内 総合研究2号館4階 カンフェレンスルーム(AA463)
【題目】The Challenge of Environmental Governance: A Comparative Exploration of Development in the US and China, and the Value of an Added India Comparison
【発表者】Prof. Dan Guttman (Clinical Professor, New York University, Shanghai / Fellow, Johns Hopkins University Center for Advanced Government Study)
It is said that the capacity of China, India and the United States to address the environmental challenges they face, particularly those related to climate change, are key to the human future on the planet.  This talk will compare the differing ways in which China and the U.S. have come to address environmental challenges in recent decades. The differing cultural and policy underpinnings have lead to differing roles for “law,” “policy” and other “rule sets,” and resulting differing practical meanings for “tools” of government that are now used globally.  The talk will suggest the value of including India in the comparison to sharpen understanding of what can be learned from study of the differing U.S. and China models.