Program Outline

Interregional comparison of languages and culture that are presumed to be related

The French Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales (INALCO) is a world-renowned institute for research into Asian and African languages and culture. In this project, research into Austronesian languages spoken in broad areas of Asia and Africa will be advanced in conjunction with the Institut’s Le Centre de recherche sur l’Océan Indien Occidental et le Monde Austronésien (CROIMA). We would like to assimilate the Institute’s stance on pursuing the path of multicultural coexistence through interregional comparative research in languages and culture.
The University of Antananarivo, as well as carrying out advanced research into Madagascan languages, which are classified as a group of Austronesian languages, also has an immeasurable influence on the linguistic policy of the government of Madagascar. Young researchers who have acquired the methodology of area studies will be dispatched to this University to analyze the linguistic usage and policy of the area from the viewpoint of interregional comparisons.