
Program of Ethiopia Field School (EFSC)

Feb 13th Opening Ceremony
Feb 14th
[Lecture 1 (9:30-10:30): Dr. Tekalign, Wolde-Mariam, Addis Ababa Univ.]
Lecture title: “General History of Ethiopia”
[Lecture 2 (10:45-11:45): Dr. Gebre Yntiso, Addis Ababa Univ.]
Lecture title:” The Consequences of Language Contact in Ari,Southwest Ethiopia”
[Keynote Speech (13:30-14:30) : Mr. Komano, Kinichi, Ambassador (Japan Embassy)]
Speech title: ”Japanese Experiences and African Development”
[Lecture3 (15:00-16:00) : Dr. Matsui, Takeshi, Univ. of Tokyo]
Lecture title: “Considerations on Constructing < An Anthropology of Craft>”
Feb 15th
[Lecture 4 (9:30-10:30): Dr. Hirut Terefe, Addis Ababa Univ.]
Lecture title: ” Gender Dimension of HIV/AIDS in Ethiopia”
[Lecture 5 (10:45-11:45): Dr. Sakamoto, Sadao, Kyoto Univ.]
Lecture title: ” Millets in the World and their Food Culture”
[Lecture 6 (13:30-14:30): Ms. Meseret Bihonegn, NGO, Expert.]
Lecture title: “The Situation of the Elderly in Ethiopia”
[Lecture 7 (15:00-16:00): Dr. Mamo Hebo, Addis Ababa Univ.]
Lecture title:”Customary Laws vis-a-vis their Application in Dispute Settlement among the Arsii Oromo”
Feb 16th Meeting on On-site lectures Organizers: Dr. Shigeta, Masayoshi and Dr. Kaneko, Morie
[On-site lecture]
Feb 17th
[On-site lecture 1: Adama, Adami Tulu Agricultural Research Centre]
Lecturer: Mr. Shiratori, Kiyoshi, JICA, Expert & FRG Project members
Feb 18th
[On-site lecture 2: Adama, Adami Tulu Agricultural Research Centre]
Lecturer: FRG Project members
Feb 19th
[On-site lecture 3: Hawassa]
*Lecturer (Feb 19th - Feb 25th): Dr. Shigeta, Masayoshi and Dr. Kaneko, Morie
Feb 20th
[On-site lecture 4: Arba Minch]
Feb 21th
[On-site lecture 5: Jinka]
Feb 22th
[On-site lecture 6: Jinka]
Feb 23th
[On-site lecture 7: Jinka]
Feb 24th On-site lecture on the way to Sodo from Jinka
Feb 25th On-site lecture on the way to Addis Ababa
Feb 26th Farewell reception
Feb 27th Closing ceremony