South Asia and Indian Ocean Studies Seminar



このたび、南アジア・インド洋世界研究会、現代インド地域研究京大拠点(KINDAS)では、 下記の要領で国際セミナーを開催いたします。
今回は、ネパールを舞台とするドキュメンタリー映画の上映と、監督のディペッシュ・カレル氏による、同地域の震災後の調査をふまえた講演会を行います。 どなたも参加歓迎です。ふるってご参加ください。



概要:ディペッシュ・カレル監督の「スレート(石板)とともに生きる人々」(2006)はネパールのドラカ郡のアランプという村での屋根葺き等に使われるスレート生産のドキュメンタリーです。村に住むのはタミという民族の人々でその9割以上がスレートを売ることで生計をたてています。スレート生産に関わるタミの人々の詩的ともいえる人間関係や環境との関係を描いています。 4月25日と5月12日に起こった大きな地震のため、アランプのほとんどの家や建物は損壊しました。そしてスレート産業自体も壊滅的な被害を受けました。震災後にアランプ村を調査したカレル監督が現在の村の様子について講演します。

KINDAS 2nd International Seminar/ 34th South Asia and Indian Ocean Studies Seminar

Date & Time: 20th June, 2015 (Sat)14:00~17:30
Venue: Room AA447, 4th Floor, Research Building No.2, Yoshida Main Campus, Kyoto University

Film: “A Life with Slate” (directed by Dipesh Kharel) (58 minutes)
Talk: The Gorkha Earthquake and Aftershocks in Dolakha, Nepal by Dipesh Kharel
Moderator: Tatsuro Fujikura

The film ‘A Life with Slate’ (2006) by Dipesh Kharel is shot in Alampu. This film shows the slate production in the mountainside quarry of Alampu, and also how the slate is worked prior to distribution. Over ninety percent of the villagers have been involved in the slate production in Alampu. In the film we see the social relationships, co-operation between the miners, and the intimacy of the mining families. The film also describes the socio-cultural life of the village and its interaction with the environment. The activities of the men and women at the quarry, as well as in the village, have an almost poetic dimension.
All the houses, school buildings, health-post in Alampu collapsed and many people died due to devastating earthquakes on 25th April and 12th May. The village was within a few miles from the epicenter. In the village, the government has provided no aid. And the Thami people's prime source of income has disappeared - as slate miners, they relied on the local slate industry, which has been wiped out by the quake.