South Asia and Indian Ocean Studies Seminar


場所:京都大学本部構内 総合研究2号館4階 AA463(カンファレンス・ルーム)

発表者:Nishaant Choksi(University of Michigan/University of Tokyo/JSPS)

発表題目:Santali script as a tripartite constellation: ideologies of writing among adivasis in eastern India

概要 This talk will discuss the role of writing (ol) among adivasi communities of eastern India, with a particular focus on Santals. The first part examines the structure of Santali scripts, showing why scriptmaking became such an important part of Santali political assertion, and elucidating the scripts’ tripartite structure: a combination of indigenous ritual concepts of diagram (ol) as well as European missionary and Sanskritic/Brahmanical notions of writing as phonological representation. The second part will look ethnographically at the importance of oral performance in the circulation of the most popular script Ol-Chiki in local Santal communities, adding another dimension to the concept of script in South Asia.